Posted 25th October, 2016
Aerial view of Busáras under construction.
Concrete Logic
A symposium on the technology and culture of concrete architecture in twentieth-century Ireland and beyond. Curated by Gary A.Boyd and John McLaughlin.
Keynote lecture by Shelley McNamara, Grafton Architects.
Concrete Logic (supported by the ARUP Trust) is the finissage of Making Ireland Modern a Touring Project in ART: 2016 – The Art Council’s programme as part of Ireland 2016. It was originally presented as Infra Éireann – Making Ireland Modern at the 2014 International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia. Ireland at Venice as an initiative of Culture Ireland and the Arts Council.
DATE & TIME: Saturday 12th November, 9am – 1.30pm
TICKETS: Free but booking essential
VENUE: NCAD, Thomas Street, Dublin 8
Event details:
9 – 9.15 Registration
9 .15 – 9.30 Introduction Gary A Boyd + John McLaughlin
9.30 – 10.40 Session 1: Concrete Cultures featuring Dr Ellen Rowley (IRC) – the concretisation of health; Dr Sarah A Lappin (QUB) and Una Walker (NCAD) – Michael Scott and Ove Arup: Two Buildings for Córas Iompair Éireann (CIÉ); Dr Jennifer Greitschus (ARUP) – Concrete Inspirations
10.50 -12 noon Session 2: Pourings, Prefabrications and Landscapes featuring Aoibheann Ni Mhearain (UCD) – prefabricated education: Mary And Peter Doyle at Birr; Brian Ward (DIT) – Infrastructural adhocism: Noel Dowley and the architecture of Irish telecommunications; Denis Linehan (UCC) – Histories of the Future: Urbanism and Speed-Space.
12.10 -1.10pm Session 3 Keynote: Concrete Logic Shelley McNamara of Grafton Architects
1.10-1.25 pm closing remarks/summary and thanks.
Making Ireland Modern Finnisage Symposium